Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012


"you'll never know if you never try"

this word, i took from adele's song- one and only
i think the word is very meaningful for our life..
and it's truee..
if you never try anything, you'll never know anything.

and this one word "try
it's just simple word but the word is what makes us successful in the future

we don't know something
but we try to do it
we know it now
but we fail
we try again
fail again
try again 
fail again
and try try try...... until we succeed.

we would be happy because we've tried
and when we give up.
we have a chance to try it again
if we want..
when we have the opportunity, we have to use it well
because, sometimes the opportunity doesn't come a second time.
so, we must do it well.

don't leave anything important in your life for the sake of temporary .

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